
We offer travelers visiting South Korea reliable and unlimited internet access with portable Wi-Fi hotspots (also known as Pocket WiFi or Wi-Fi Eggs) and SIM cards.
Stay connected anytime and anywhere with the most affordable Wi-Fi hotspot rental and SIM card services.

We offer a flat-rate daily fee for unlimited internet, ensuring no data roaming charges or the hassle of searching for public hotspots.
Enjoy the freedom to stay connected while traveling in Korea!

Create your own wireless network and share your connection with up to three Wi-Fi enabled devices, including laptops, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and e-book readers.
Enjoy uninterrupted internet access with your whole travel group with just one Pocket WiFi or SIM card.

Whether you are sending WhatsApp messages, using Instagram, Naver Map, Kakao Texi, etc, Pocket WiFi Korea has you covered!